Friday, January 19, 2007

Fresh Start

Its a beginning of a new company.Well, we havent really confirmed the name of the company yet but all I can tell u is that Jooze it looking pretty definate.Yes its a funky name but its purpose is just to seek for attention rite ;) isnt that a marketing strategy?!? *thanks adrian :p*

Jooze was previously know as Outline Review or Golden Fresh Juices. Dont ask me how the name Outline Review came up for a company that supply fruit juices.That was way before my time, my mom had this company since I was probably 3 yrs old. Yes I was drinking fruit juices instead of milk when I was young and now I am lactose intolerant! thanks ma!!

I am really excited because mummy is allowing me to do a few things for her new company. Those few things are like designing her name card..hahaha...yes i get one for myself too! I'll be holding a director's post :P hopefully if it turns out well *cross fingers*

I'm not too sure about this but I think mummy is doing quite well for her business.She has expanded her entire production team and factory. The most amazing part is that she runs the entire show. From the productions to marketing even to delivering. My mom is just SUPERWOMAN! *respect*.Dont worry mummy I'll be there to save you SOON! :P